Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's this all about?

Each year around this time I start wondering, "So what'll it be this year? Coke, caffeine, meat, chocolate? Or maybe I'll take something on, something that requires effort and discipline, like a reading schedule or something physical." And each year, these Lenten disciplines become very much like the resolutions I stubbornly made for the new year, forgotten or missed within days of setting them or making them. Discouraged, it's always easier, for me at least, to simply forget them and act like I never made them.

When I realized recently that Lent was fast approaching, I started to think about about what I might do this time around to observe Lent personally and also what I might be able to offer our church here at St. Paul's this season.

In the coming days I'll talk a little bit about what I hope to do here and how this space can hopefully be helpful to you, too. I know my intentions, but that's not always what comes out when life gets going. I hope you can make some time during your day to check in over here and join me.

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